James Rafferty is the President of Human Communications, a consulting firm which advises clients on emerging telecommunications and network technologies and helps clients plan and design highly competitive products and services and create innovative marketing content. The firm specializes in Voice over IP, WebRTC, Voice over LTE and facsimile communications technology. It helps clients with the integration of emerging messaging, multimedia and network technologies, including the Internet and mobile networks. James also has a deep understanding of product and project management approaches including Agile SCRUM, PMP project management, cross-functional leadership and Lean Six Sigma.

James is also a part-time lecturer at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts.  He teaches an Introduction to Business course to incoming freshman, where the students learn about various aspects of business and develop skills in teamwork, critical thinking and the development of presentations and business plans. James has also taught Introduction to Marketing, a second year class which addresses a broad spectrum of approaches that can be utilized for marketing to consumers and businesses.  James has taught both in classroom and online settings at the university.

James recently completed several years as a Product Line Manager for Dialogic between 2014 and 2018. During this period, James managed the IMG media gateway family, launched the Dialogic(R)PowerVilleTM Load Balancer and managed all of the Dialogic voice board products.  James helped lead the Dialogic media gateways into a #1 market position in 2016. James  managed and provided cross-functional leadership for all of the products of the Converged Communications Division of the company up until this division was purchased by Sangoma in early 2018. He also investigated opportunities to participate in the rising Internet of Things (IoT) marketplace. James also led Dialogic’s partnering with Avaya as part of the Avaya DevConnect Technology Partner program.

In December, 1999, James joined Brooktrout Technology as Senior Product Manager for Voice over IP board products and he  managed Voice over IP session border controller and service provider gateways for the successor company Dialogic up until June, 2013.  James continues to be active in international standards and contributed to the work on Call Discrimination and Fax/IP Fax packages of H.248.1 for the Megaco Working Group of the IETF and ITU-T Study Group 16.   He was also instrumental in helping to establish the standards for the use of T.38 IP fax under the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).   He later assisted the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) in the area of media resource control and has been  involved in related work in the Internet Engineering Task Force.   His most recent published RFC is RFC 7433, which provides a SIP-based mechanism for User to User Information (UUI), that is frequently used for applications such as Contact Centers.

James is a former editor on the TR-29 and ITU-T Study Group 8 fax standards committees. He was also an original co-chair for the Internet Fax Work Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force.

He was technical editor and publisher for Human Communications Digest, a quarterly newletter covering the latest fax standards trends and for Human Communications Standards Update, a series of in-depth reports on standards and practice for selected topics. He was also editor of the Fax Task Group within the Enterprise Computer Telephony Forum (ECTF), which included editing on the S.100 C API specification . He was also an active participant in several work groups within the Electronic Messaging Association. He is a frequent speaker at major telecommunications and messaging industry conferences and has been quoted or featured in bylined articles in The New York Times, Byte, Compact PCI Systems, Communications Systems Design, Network World, Business Investor’s Daily, Data Communications, PC Week, Inc. and PC Magazine. In 1996, he was awarded the prestigious Computer Facsimile Award at the FaxWorld conference for contributions to the computer facsimile industry. In 1998, he was named as the recipient of the Distinguished Service award by the Electronic Messaging Association.  He is also the co-author of numerous RFCs on the Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), including TIFF-F (RFC 2306) and the latest version TIFF-FX (RFC 3949). A summary of James’ RFCs as compiled by the IETF is here.

Prior to forming his own firm, he had over 15 years experience in the computer and telecommunications business with Fujitsu Imaging Systems and Burroughs Corporation in a variety of management and development positions. As a pioneer in computer based fax with Fujitsu, he developed market strategies and helped design several generations of computer facsimile products.

James holds a B.S. and a Master of Engineering degrees in Management Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. He has been listed in the prestigious Marquis Who’s Who in Finance and Industry several times since 1992 and was named to Marquis Who’s Who in America for their Millenial and several subsequent editions.

See James’s LinkedIn profile here.