I’ll be speaking next week at the SIPNOC conference in Herndon, Virginia. SIPNOC is sponsored by the SIP Forum and covers a wide variety of topics related to SIP — the Session Initiation Protocol — with a particular focus on the needs of service providers. It runs from June 9 – 12.
WebRTC continues to be a hot topic in the telecom industry and I’ll be on a panel with several other participants to discuss the relationship between SIP and WebRTC. SIP has been the primary protocol for Voice over IP and is widely deployed. WebRTC is much newer, but offers an interesting mix of audio, video and data capabilities and it can be accessed via popular browsers from Google and Mozilla. WebRTC also has a rapidly growing eco-system. Are SIP and WebRTC complementary standards which work well together or going in totally different directions? Come to the panel and find out!
I am also delivering a presentation on a very exciting development in IP fax communications over SIP. The presentation is entitled: Securing IP Fax – A New Standard Approach. It’s been a long time coming, but there will soon be a new security standard for implementors of IP Fax over SIP networks. In particular, the Internet Engineering Task Force is working on using an existing security standard known as DTLS and adding this as a security layer for T.38 fax. I’ll be talking about the pending standard, why it’s needed and what kind of benefits can be expected for the many users of T.38 IP fax once the new standard is deployed.
I’ve attended SIPNOC as a speaker since its beginning four years ago. It’s an excellent conference and offers an in-depth perspective on the latest news in SIP as delivered by an all star cast of speakers. I hope you’ll be able to join us.